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Raw Wild Flower Honey

Raw wildflower honey is a natural sweetener made by bees from the nectar of various wildflowers. There are lots of health benefits associated with raw wildflower honey.

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Raw Wild Flower Honey

未加工的野花蜂蜜 100%纯加拿大人 新斯科舍省未混合单一来源 未消毒/从未加热/光滑质地 从加拿大新斯科舍省布列塔尼角森林的蜂巢中,从没有抗生素治疗的健康蜜蜂那里,天然的天然蜂蜜中,我们的蓝莓之家就在那里。生蜂蜜保留了它所有的健康属性,在营养素中含有酶、抗氧化剂和氨基酸。以其自然的形式。这种蜂蜜含有蜂蜡、花粉和蜂胶的痕迹。   野花蜂蜜味道温和,易于搭配.在夏季沙拉中加入蜂蜜香精,或在香草冰淇淋或草莓馅饼上洒一点。热苹果屑,一杯热茶,或你的早晨燕麦粥。

Raw Wild Flower Honey 6.5kg

未加工的野花蜂蜜 100%纯加拿大人 新斯科舍省未混合单一来源 未消毒/从未加热/光滑质地 从加拿大新斯科舍省布列塔尼角森林的蜂巢中,从没有抗生素治疗的健康蜜蜂那里,天然的天然蜂蜜中,我们的蓝莓之家就在那里。生蜂蜜保留了它所有的健康属性,在营养素中含有酶、抗氧化剂和氨基酸。以其自然的形式。这种蜂蜜含有蜂蜡、花粉和蜂胶的痕迹。   野花蜂蜜味道温和,易于搭配.在夏季沙拉中加入蜂蜜香精,或在香草冰淇淋或草莓馅饼上洒一点。热苹果屑,一杯热茶,或你的早晨燕麦粥。

Health benefit of raw flower honey

Raw wild flower honey has been used for centuries as a food and medicinal product.

Raw wildflower honey contains small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It provides trace amounts of vitamins B-complex, vitamin C, and minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron.

Antioxidant Properties

Honey, including raw wildflower honey, contains antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and damage cells.

Wound Healing

Honey has been used for its wound healing properties for centuries. It has antibacterial properties and can create a barrier that protects wounds from infection. Honey’s viscosity can also help keep wounds moist and promote faster healing.

Cough and Sore Throat Relief

Raw wildflower honey is often used as a natural remedy for soothing coughs and sore throats. It can help coat the throat and provide temporary relief.

Allergy Relief

It is believed that consuming raw wildflower honey may help alleviate allergy symptoms. The theory is that by consuming small amounts of local wildflower pollen present in honey, the body can develop immunity or tolerance to these allergens.

Wild flower honey glazed Salmon

  • 1/3 c. raw wild flower honey
  • 1/4 c. low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided
  • 4 6-oz. salmon fillets, patted dry with a paper towel
  • Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 lemon, sliced into rounds

Step 1
In a medium bowl, whisk together honey, soy sauce, lemon juice and red pepper flakes.

Step 2
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat two tablespoons oil. When oil is hot but not smoking, add salmon skin-side up and season with salt and pepper. Cook salmon until deeply golden, about 6 minutes, then flip over and add remaining tablespoon of oil.

Step 3
Add garlic to the skillet and cook until fragrant, 1 minute. Add the honey mixture and sliced lemons and cook until sauce is reduced by about 1/3. Baste salmon with the sauce.

Step 4
Garnish with sliced lemon and serve.

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